Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bedroom Inspiration

I am at it again working on the styling of another room, this time our guest room is getting a makeover to coordinate with the guest bath.  If you follow me you know our guest bath was recently given a little facelift, going from bright colors to black and white with pops of blue on a tan/sand background. The guest bedroom color scheme is going from blues and greens to black, white and tan with an icy blue background to make everything pop; a very sharp, clean look.  Here are some of the photos which originally inspired both the guest bath and bedroom. Can you guess which elements in each room I was drawn to?

As you can see in the photos each room is crisp, sharp and coordinates very well together with some of the elements in each photo already in my design closet. But after evaluating the room and some of the furniture and other accessories in my stash I was not happy with the somewhat stark feeling of the room. True it did mirror the guest bath and my studio but I was not sure our guests would appreciate the lack of warmth and comfort.

Lately I have been very drawn to Shabby Chic, French and European design, which is not my usual style but never the less very appealing in its old world warmth and architectural design.  I was itching to give it a try, why not in a room which pretty much sits alone at one end of the house on the top floor? The funny thing is I made several Paris inspired pillows, from some fabric a reader sent to me last year, which were just sitting in my design stash waiting for a home. Even with all the photos, research and design boards done the pillow became my jumping off point instead.  It just goes to show, you never know which way a project is going to go, sometimes you just have to let it evolve naturally and see where it winds up.

Thanks for letting me share the beginning stages of my newest styling project with you.  I have a long way to go to get the room where I want it; follow along with me as I progress with lots of money saving DIY projects designed to enhance that Shabby/French/Paris feeling. This project is not going to be a quick one because I believe it will be evolving for quite a while so check in often to see what I am up to.
See you soon.