Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Am Back

Hello dear readers!
I bet you are surprised to see a new post from me today... Lol! I know I have been gone a long time, partly due to health issues and partly because I have been so busy sewing and creating all kinds of new projects. My creative focus took me on new journeys and in different directions then I expected which is why you have not heard from me in so long. Anyway... I digress.. So here I am with lots and lots of new projects to share with you and all the other creative happenings in my life.

During the past year I went back to my roots and started sewing again with a focus on purses, accessories and a variety of other sewing projects. I also began testing purse patterns for a fantastic designer, Alicia Wietholter at Swoon patterns. In addition I started a closed group for Runaround Bags and accessories which I admin for and I joined a number of other sewing groups along the way. It has been a busy and exciting time with some great successes and a few failures but I am truly living my dream. Having said that... I hope to start sharing all those projects with you in the next few days;   that is if I can figure out how to access my photos from my IPad instead of my laptop.. Lol!, so keep an eye out for those.

Thanks for letting me share some of the updates going on around here, watch for those projects. See you soon!
