Friday, September 30, 2011

Studio Helper

In the spirit of getting to know each other, I want to introduce you to someone very important, my studio helper.  She is always there with me everyday, never late for work, very enthusiastic, upbeat, warm and loving.  She always inspects my work and tools to make sure they are of the best quality and sometimes she is just there for company.  Here is her picture so you will know who she is when you see her in my posts.


Her name is Honey Bunny, her nickname is Bunny, usually when I don’t have time to call out her full name, and she also gets called Bun, Bun and a variety of other cute little names.  She is a small orange and black calico kitty who I rescued before she was to go to animal control. Honey turned three just this past May but seems more like a kitten with all her crazy antics.  She is my fury little girlfriend who keeps me company in the studio, office and the rest of the house.  The very best part about her is she hardly ever talks back or argues with me, what a great studio helper.

Inspection day, Honey making sure my machine is threaded correctly and my scissors are sharp and ready to cut with.  I believe I did pass inspection and I was cleared to sew. She didn’t want the sewing police to shut down work for the day, always looking out for me.

Honey is deep in her duties as my helper trying to get the correct measurements for the bias tape cuts.  She wanted to know if it was 1” or 2” and were we using the correct fabrics for this bias tape color. 

Oops! Almost forgot my outdoor studio helpers, they aren’t as fun as Honey Bunny but they are loyal and loving as well.  These three older helpers are Fur Ball, the orange kitty who is the oldest at eleven years old, and Toby who is cuddled up with him. Then there is Tyler who takes up a bed all by himself, he was the runt of the litter who almost died, but ended up at about 15 pounds of pure muscle (a big boy).  There is one more helper who was very camera shy; we will get her next time so you can meet her, Sweetie is her name.

All of my little helpers were rescued from people who abused them horribly.  I was happy to take them in, since no one else wanted them, due to all of them having medical problems.  They now have each other for company and a warm and loving home.

 For those of you who need a cute little studio helper of your own, please adopt one from your local animal shelter or take in a stray who needs a loving home.  OK enough for the public service announcement, just thought I would do my part for the employment of future studio helpers.

In case you are wondering if I have a human studio assistant I do, her name is Jolene and she is fantastic, you will meet her in future posts.  Between Jolene and Honey I am a very productive and a happy camper.

Hope you enjoyed today’s post, look for me tomorrow I have a fun post you won’t want to miss.  See you then.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Buttons, Bows & Bling #1

Buttons, Bows & Bling, what more could a girl want you ask?  Not much I say, which led me to the name of my blog and my business.  I love all things girly, lovely, and warm and inviting so I try to bring all of those things to my everyday life both in fashion, in my home and to others.  I do all this through the creative ventures in my studio as a seamstress and artist.  My passion is sewing but I’m an all around creative gal;  I am a pattern designer, jewelry designer, quilter, textile artist, I paint and re-purpose old furniture, garden, decorate my home and others, create paper crafts, mixed media and so much more. 

You probably wonder how I can do all of that, I began sewing and crafting as a little girl, taught by my Mother who was a master seamstress and crafter. Then as a young stay at home Mom I became a sewing instructor, made everything from dolls to wedding gowns, then moved into professional craft and gift shows and had a wholesale gift business showcasing my handcrafted items, which I pursued until both my children left for College.  

With the passing of the years and no longer a career woman; I have the time to explore and perfect anything creative which catches my eye.  Since I said that you probably think I must be a very mature (old) lady but I assure you I am neither old in age or in spirit, but I must confess to being a very young grandmother of two.  I love to sew and create beautiful, colorful outfits, toys and room decor for both of my lovely little granddaughters.  Sewing and crafting for them led me to starting a new business for children’s clothing, toys, and decor and a blog so I could share my projects and my adventures as I set up my first on line business.

This blog isn’t just about the things I make for children, you will see all kinds of projects I am working on including; baking, gardening, book reviews, decorating, travel, painting projects, crafts of all kinds, holiday decorating and party planning, favorite fabric and craft stores, project tutorials and so much more.  I can’t wait to get started sharing my creative ventures with you. See you soon.

This is the bulletin board I re-purposed and put in the toy room my granddaughters play in.

This picture is a fabric panel mounted on canvas framed in printed ribbon also a decoration in the toy room.

The toy room closet doors were just big and white, boring for a kids play room so they got decorated with removable vinyl stickers and two dimensional decals.

I hope you enjoyed my first post and the kind of fun projects I like to create.  If you like what you saw be sure to follow me as a member or through e-mail alerts, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Where I found my favorite bling used to create my projects:
Fabrics for pictures & bulletin boards:  Homespun Harbor a Quilt Shop -
Canvas, ribbons, jewels:  Michael's crafts  -
Vinyl stickers:  Home Goods.
Two dimensional butterfly stickers:  Target

A New Blogger

Hello to everyone viewing this blog for the first time.  I am new to blogging and this site is still under construction as I figure out all the ins and outs of posting the written word and hopefully beautiful photographs to go with it. I am neither a writer nor photographer but I am a seamstress/artist and I have lots to share with you. Please hang in there with me as I go through this process with my graphic designer, A Jewel’d Design, while we work out the bugs. Hopefully the process will be a quick one.  Thanks for visiting our site, look for my first post shortly.