Thursday, September 29, 2011

Buttons, Bows & Bling #1

Buttons, Bows & Bling, what more could a girl want you ask?  Not much I say, which led me to the name of my blog and my business.  I love all things girly, lovely, and warm and inviting so I try to bring all of those things to my everyday life both in fashion, in my home and to others.  I do all this through the creative ventures in my studio as a seamstress and artist.  My passion is sewing but I’m an all around creative gal;  I am a pattern designer, jewelry designer, quilter, textile artist, I paint and re-purpose old furniture, garden, decorate my home and others, create paper crafts, mixed media and so much more. 

You probably wonder how I can do all of that, I began sewing and crafting as a little girl, taught by my Mother who was a master seamstress and crafter. Then as a young stay at home Mom I became a sewing instructor, made everything from dolls to wedding gowns, then moved into professional craft and gift shows and had a wholesale gift business showcasing my handcrafted items, which I pursued until both my children left for College.  

With the passing of the years and no longer a career woman; I have the time to explore and perfect anything creative which catches my eye.  Since I said that you probably think I must be a very mature (old) lady but I assure you I am neither old in age or in spirit, but I must confess to being a very young grandmother of two.  I love to sew and create beautiful, colorful outfits, toys and room decor for both of my lovely little granddaughters.  Sewing and crafting for them led me to starting a new business for children’s clothing, toys, and decor and a blog so I could share my projects and my adventures as I set up my first on line business.

This blog isn’t just about the things I make for children, you will see all kinds of projects I am working on including; baking, gardening, book reviews, decorating, travel, painting projects, crafts of all kinds, holiday decorating and party planning, favorite fabric and craft stores, project tutorials and so much more.  I can’t wait to get started sharing my creative ventures with you. See you soon.

This is the bulletin board I re-purposed and put in the toy room my granddaughters play in.

This picture is a fabric panel mounted on canvas framed in printed ribbon also a decoration in the toy room.

The toy room closet doors were just big and white, boring for a kids play room so they got decorated with removable vinyl stickers and two dimensional decals.

I hope you enjoyed my first post and the kind of fun projects I like to create.  If you like what you saw be sure to follow me as a member or through e-mail alerts, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Where I found my favorite bling used to create my projects:
Fabrics for pictures & bulletin boards:  Homespun Harbor a Quilt Shop -
Canvas, ribbons, jewels:  Michael's crafts  -
Vinyl stickers:  Home Goods.
Two dimensional butterfly stickers:  Target

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