Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Ribbon Wall

This was a fun project my husband and I got the bug to do after watching an HGTV Christmas design show.  We were inspired to create a ribbon wall just below the stairway, which faces the dinning room.  Once we decided on the ribbon and spacing between each one, my husband took over and began the project and ended up with some really stunning results. The ribbon created a very elegant look for a ho-hum kind of area in the dinning room.  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

We chose a burgundy, gold and green plaid wired ribbon which picked up all the colors in the room and the stairway above.  We were both very pleased with the project; my husband did a fantastic job figuring out all the measurements and hanging up the ribbons, what a great husband, I am such a lucky gal.

Time is flying by with lots of baking, decorating, present buying and gift wrapping.  My studio is busy all the time alternating between present wrapping and sewing gifts.  Look for my next post featuring a tasty Pumpkin Spice cookie recipe, sure to make your mouth water just smelling them as they cook.  I will also be sharing more of my decorating ideas right up to Christmas. 

Thanks for letting me share my Holiday Ribbon Wall with you.  See you soon.

If you liked that post you may want to also read:

Sparkling Santa Tabletop
Holiday Sparkle
Christmas Stockings for Kids
Bit of Bling 

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