Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Quick Gift

I know I haven’t written in a week, things are really getting crazy with the holidays and family birthdays.  In fact my oldest granddaughter just turned five yesterday and I have been very busy making her several of her gifts.  I made the pretty purple coat and blue fairy wall hanging I featured in my Super Studio post, then another quick gift just before she arrived to open her presents.

You are probably wondering why the last minute gift and why a box? Well, you see I gave my granddaughter a pretty 18” doll with several sets of doll clothes.  I also bought her a doll trunk, for the clothes, which she will get for Christmas, but I did not think it through.  Where was she going to put all the dolly clothes and shoes until then, they were going to get lost?  I pulled out a blue photo storage box, her favorite color, some rick rack, buttons, ribbons and a photo copy of some really cute paper doll fabric and made up a temporary trunk for the doll accessories.  She absolutely loved everything and has been playing with the dolly, clothes and storage box ever since. Mission accomplished, project completed, good job Grandma.

 Just had to share; this little banner hangs on my studio door, so very cute!

Thanks for letting me share my Quick Gift with you.  Look for more holiday decorations.  Happy creating, see you soon.

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