Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Time For Reflection

The hustle and bustle of the holidays has come and gone as my son and his wife leave for home today.  The guest room and bath return to normal with fresh linens and towels, laundry is washing and drying in the laundry room and quiet settles over the house once again.  It was a non stop whirlwind for the last four months, with lots of family birthdays, the birth of my newest granddaughter, a new blog to launch and then all the holiday entertaining from October right up until today.  I am tired just writing all of that down for you, in truth I am completely worn out and ready for some real down time.

 As a final celebration, I planned to have a New Years Eve party with lots of fun decorating ideas to share with all of you, when all was said and done, I decided to forgo it this year and just settle down to reflect on this past year and the up coming new year.  I am one of those people who do not make New Year’s resolutions partly because I know I will not keep them in that form.  One of the things I do like to do is look over the past years goals, wishes and desires to see what was made possible and what fell short.  To be honest, this year, I have no idea where I want to go with my business, my blog or my personal life.  I think it is going to take A LOT of reflection, talking, brainstorming and planning to figure it all out; time to call in my husband and my studio helpers.  I am ready for a real change, what change that will be is still up in the air.  I can guarantee you will be among the first to know what it is as I figure it out, so stay tuned and see what the New Year holds. 

Thanks for letting me share all my crazy, colorful ventures from my studio this past year, I look forward to sharing more new ideas and adventures with you in the coming months.  I wish all of you a Very Happy and Blessed New Year.

See you very soon.

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