Monday, January 23, 2012

Butterfly Mobile

I have another easy project to share with you from the toy room I created for my grandchildren.  I call it the toy room because it holds toys, games books and art supplies, which they use when they come over to play at my house, a room all their own.

I wanted to make a mobile that would hang over the bed giving my granddaughter something to look at when she laid down for a nap or before going to sleep at night, when she had a sleep over.  I looked around for one to buy but I just could not find anything in the colors or theme I wanted.  Butterflies and fairies are her favorites and were nowhere to be found, time to make my own.
Off to Michael’s I went to buy my supplies; small quilting hoops, ribbon, clear fishing line and two dimensional butterflies and flowers.  I could not find the ribbon I wanted there; I did find it in my own ribbon stash instead, silly me, I should have checked there first.  I was all set to get to work.

Didn’t this little mobile come out just darling?  I had a great time making it with my glue gun, it was pretty quick, the only difficult part was tying on the fishing line and deciding how long to make each strand with the butterflies and flowers on it.  I am pretty sure I will be making another one, not butterflies, maybe something with a bit of bling for my studio.  This is a really easy, cute project for any room in your house.

Thanks for letting me share this fun project with you.  Look for a few more quick projects from the toy room.  See you soon.  Laurette

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