Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

As you can tell my theme is “Spring” right now, probably because, here in Hollister, California, we really did not have much of a winter, at least we had little to no rain compared to last year at this time.  We did have lots of freezing cold days which put frost on the ground and froze the bird baths and fountains but not much else.  Most of the plants and tress kept right on blooming right up to December and began an early bloom in January with unusually warm weather.  This past week we soared up to a warm 80 degrees, so strange for this time of year.  Because of the early warm weather my plants and trees are already blooming beautiful spring flowers.  I know many of you are still stuck in deep winter waiting for your spring to arrive so I thought I would share some of mine with you until you get it in your area.  Here’s hoping it lifts your spirits and brings a smile to your faces.

So far, every year the first thing to bloom in my garden is my yellow roses, I have one full blown rose and one rose bud.  The other colors are following behind with some buds beginning to form. I have no idea why the yellow one is always first, but I really enjoy seeing its bright sunny color on our terraced hill.

Some of these beautiful blooms are set in pots around the yard and some are growing up on the terraced hill.  Aren't they lovely with all their spring colors showing?  I think I love spring time almost as much as fall with all the bright colors and wonderful scents floating through the air.

Thanks for letting me share my lovely California spring with you, I hope it lifted your spirits just a little bit and made you smile.  See you soon.  Laurette

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