Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Project Progress

I thought I would share with you some of those pesky little unfinished projects I managed to complete, they were just hanging around in my project boxes collecting dust, now they are finished and ready to be sold or given as gifts.

First up, some cute little zipper bags made in a few fun animal prints, etc… I just love making these; they sew up pretty quickly once you get everything cut and pinned.  I already gave away several zip bags as gifts; I guess I will just have to make more.

I made this sweet little light weight pink blanket for my newest grand-baby, her Mom thought she needed something to cuddle with in the night which was soft but not very heavy.  The blanket is made from two layers of super soft embossed flannel without the traditional batting sandwiched in the middle.

These flowers were not in my project boxes but they were hanging around my studio waiting for me to do something with them.  I finally found the time to create some floral arrangements for my Mom’s grave site for Mother’s day.  I did not need to do very much with them since they were already very pretty.

Last but not least were some standard size pillowcases in fun girly prints.  They were so quick and easy to make, about an hour, each one has its own personality. Check out my Paisley Pillowcases Tutorial from the October 2011 archive file if you would like to make your own pillowcases, you can also join the One Million Pillowcase Challenge, details and the website are also listed on the tutorial.

Another unfinished project was the painting of our kitchen/family room and our front door, which we managed to complete this last weekend, multi-tasking all they way.  It felt great to finish the project we started last spring, now it looks more like home; just three bathrooms, the laundry room, the hallways and two bedrooms left to paint, yikes, that’s still a lot, oh well, progress is still forward movement.  I should have the posting for you in a few days as soon as I take the after photos and format everything, watch for that one probably early next week, Monday, I hope. (The fabric shown here was the jumping off point for the kitchen and family room paint colors)

Thanks for letting me share my completed projects with you, maybe it will inspire you to dig through all your UFO’s (unfinished objects/projects) and make some progress of your own.  See you soon.


If you enjoyed reading this post you might also like:

Colorful Fabric Zip Bags
Working With Fabrics
Paisley Pillowcases - Oct. 2011
Fall Floral Arrangements – Oct. 2011

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