Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Festive Updates

The weekend was a smashing success with all of the family events we had. Things are slowly getting back to normal with lots of laundry, setting the guest room back in order, putting away tables, chairs and all the other party decorations and accessories. I think the clean up is almost as much work as the set up, but it was very much worth all the work.  Everyone has finally gone home so I thought I would do a quick catch up of each event before going on to share some of the makeover projects I have planned for this weeks posts.

First up was the pre-school graduation for my oldest granddaughter on Friday evening, unfortunately I wasn’t able to get close to the kids and I was taking photos into the sun, but you get the idea.  They were just darling in their cute little caps and gowns, loved it.

Next came the 30Th Birthday party for my son, given by my daughter-in-law, she did a fantastic job with the decorations and all the wonderful food, we are all very lucky to have her in his life and ours.

Last but not least was Father’s Day on Sunday, I didn’t get any good pictures at dinner, I was too busy running around making sure everyone got fed and fun gifts handed out and opened by all the Dads. They got to play golf in the morning and had barbecued steaks with all the trimmings for dinner, cooked by the ladies, what lucky guys.

A quick update on my outdoor studio kitty, Toby, he came home from the pet hospital mid morning on Monday, he spent 7 days there and is happy to be home.  He is slowly getting better day by day but he still has a long way to go before he ventures outside again.  Thanks for all the good thoughts, they worked.

That pretty much sums up everything going on in my home since I last wrote to all of you, time to get back to work on my creative projects.  I have lots to do before the baby shower for my daughter-in-law next month including getting out the invitations and completing the patio makeover, which is where the baby shower will be held.  Never a non-creative or dull moment around here.

Thanks for letting me share all my festive events from last weekend. Coming up next are some before and after makeovers, watch for those in the next couple of days. 
See you soon.


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