Monday, July 9, 2012

Where I Sew

Recently on the Pink Chalk Studio Blog, by Kathy Mack, she began a month long virtual studio tour sharing a peek at the sewing studios of some of her favorite designers and sewing enthusiasts, real spaces where real people sew. We, her readers, were also invited to share our studios on her blog mosaic, what a fantastic idea.  I jumped on board with the help of my graphic designer, from A Jeweled Design, who figured out how to link the photo directly to the blog page, the photo originated from, to the Pink Chalk Studio blog. She then added the Pink Chalk “Where I Sew” icon to my blog post pages, in the side bar right below the sites I follow, so you can click on the icon and go directly to Kathy’s virtual tour page and see my studio photo, click on that and you get my blog page for that post. I highly recommend you also click on all the studio photos and enjoy some really wonderful creative spaces.  Since the photo from my studio only featured one area, I decided to do a virtual tour of my own showing you where I create, a couple of the photos are a bit dark because of the three windows, which pour in sunlight and make it tough to photograph, while other areas are a bit tricky to get a decent shot, hang in there with me, you will get the overall idea.  Here we go.

This is the photo submitted to the Pink Chalk Studio Blog which happens to be the one of my fabric storage walls, let’s start the tour here.

We move along to the adjoining corner of the room featuring my cutting table.

Down the window walls is where I keep my paper crafting and jewelry making supplies, it also houses my stereo, iPod, DVD player and flat screen TV.

This is my sewing counter wall which sits directly across from the fabric cubbie wall.  It has 8’ of counter space allowing for two sewing machines or one machine and a crafting area, which is usually the case, unless I am giving sewing lessons and need to put out another sewing machine, I have four of them. There are two small design boards over each area along with some of my dress form collection and couture dress photos.  Above the work stations there is another set of cubes which hold fabrics, notions and more of my couture dress forms.

My fitting corner has 3 mirrors at several heights allowing me to see a garment from several angles, a real must when fitting a garment alone.

Last but not least are the huge white closet doors opposite the windows, these are my inspiration walls with couture photos, a mirror and lots of creative mood boards. I left one of the three doors white to use as a design wall and to photograph projects on. (Not shown here)

Thanks for letting me share the virtual tour of Where I Sew with you, I hope you enjoyed it and it inspires your to find a creative space of your own, no matter what size space you have to work with.  If you already have a place you enjoy sewing or crafting in I would love to see it and share it with my readers, just e-mail me a photo and what kind of things you create in there and I will post it on my blog. It does not have to be a large room like mine, it can be your dinning room table or a closet, I can’t wait to see it, send it on over.
See you soon


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