Friday, August 3, 2012

Technical Updates

Hello everyone, I am sorry I have been gone a little longer then expected.  I know I promised the long awaited sweat suit makeover tutorial, I am sad to say it will have to wait until next week when we have finished a few more behind the scenes updates.  It has been a time of learning and growing for me, my blog and my business, we are going through a huge amount of technical updates to bring us up to speed in social media.

I am very excited and happy to say I am learning to use Facebook; you can click on the F button below each post and like us on Facebook.  I am also now on Pinterest with 12 pin boards including a new Buttons Bows & Bling board featuring photos from my blog projects which you can pin and repin at will.  You can follow my boards just by clinking on the “Follow me on Pinterest” hot button, in red, located on the side bar of my blog page. If you are not familiar with Pinterest click on the follow me button and you will get a treat, it is eye candy for your creative spirit.  Pinterest is my new addiction, I learn something new everyday, unfortunately it is keeping me away from blogging, I still have more groundwork to do with my pin boards before I will be back to posting early next week, Monday I hope.

Also under construction is our new website and our new on-line store, where you can purchase my products, patterns and fabrics, in addition we will be linked to our Buttons, Bows & Bling Blog, Facebook and Pinterest.  As you can imagine this takes a lot of studying, planning, trial and error and most of all time, sleep is at a minimum right now.  Don’t let anyone tell you owning your own business is not work because it is and can take up to 16 hours a day or longer to do it right. Speaking of sleep, I think I need a nice long nap! Giggles!

Thanks for letting me share our exciting news with you; so much is happening right now it makes my head spin.  Please continue to hang in there with me I promise it will be worth the wait, lots more projects to come.
See you soon.


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