Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013

Hello everyone, just wanted to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy New Year!!!

This is the time of year I usually evaluate all my goals from the previous year to see how I did with everything I planned. After looking at what I accomplished I was very happy with my progress, I did not get to everything but some things far exceeded my original goal, so overall I am a very happy camper. This year my goals are a bit different in some categories and the same in others with new ones being added as I plan out my year, I am very excited about the coming months and can't wait to get started. Here is a clue to one of the new projects I am already working on.

A Time to Blog:

It was a real privilege to have so many of you follow all year long as I began my very first blog, you hung in there through a few technical problems and several unforeseen absences, what a crazy year it was, I am so blessed to have shared it with all of you.  As many of you know I was having issues with Blogger/Google and could not resolve them last year, as far as I can tell I think things are worked out, time will tell, so for now I will not have to start a new blog but I will be reworking this one to avoid future problems.  You may see changes to the format and the amount of photos I use to help prevent the same errors with the exception of the tutorial posts which will still have the right amount of pictures to help you with your own projects.

I am looking forward to sharing all my projects with you as I complete each one. I want to wish each of you a very creative and fun filled New Year!!!  Look for my first post for 2013 this Friday.
See you soon.


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