Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello Everyone, I want to wish each and every one of my readers a very lovely Valentine’s Day.  I hope you all have some kind of special plans for your day even if it is just cooking a special dinner, setting the table with your best china and popping in a love story DVD to watch with that very important someone in you life.

I apologize for not writing for a bit, I am and have been down with a very nasty bug which seems to be plaguing just about everyone.  I held it off as long as I could but alas I succumbed to it and still have not recovered.  I do plan to return soon, I have several projects ready to sew up and I also have my spring and summer color forecast, which I do each year, so you can be up on the newest color trends released by Pantone for home and fashion, I can not wait to share those with you right away.

***Check out my newest blog post; Adventures With Adhesive over at It is a fun post featuring recycled containers for organizing your kitchen and office. Check it out by clicking on the button on the right side of this page; it will take you right to the post.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
See you soon.


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