Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Color Forecast

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!  I am happy to be back on my original blog site doing what I set out to do when I first started my blog in 2011.  My original intent was to share my creative life with other like minded people who love to read about living a similar lifestyle to their own and getting inspired to try new things via my projects and experiences. Last year I got a wild hair and thought I needed to split up my blog posts so that only sewing projects would be featured on this blog page and all the rest of my projects should be on a different blog page.  Not the best idea I ever had, it was just way too difficult to split them up and find time to write for two separate blogs, total failure! Oh well, live and learn!  Time to move on and go back to doing what I love best which is being my all around creative self and writing about it as I go along on one blog page.  I may still post one of my painting projects on the other blog page from time to time but I will let you know when that happens, the rest of the time everything else will be right here where it belongs.

Buttons, Bows & Bling is back and hopefully much improved, with that being said I want to share the new Pantone Color Forecast for 2014.  Pantone is the industry leader in color forecasting for all avenues of design and fashion, setting the stage for color ways through every industry. And now…

Here it is…. Pantone’s Color of the Year 2014 is…… (Drum roll please!)… Radiant Orchid; which is an enchanting harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones blooming with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imagination. Radiant Orchid is an expressive and embracing purple, one that draws you in with its beguiling charm and captivating harmony which emanates great joy, love and health. 

Radiant Orchid is already sweeping straight across all industries with the production and release of products to professionals and retail consumers. Here are just a few examples of how Radiant Orchid is already being shown.

A wide variety of textile prints, fabrics and threads.

Fashions and accessories


Paper textiles

Paints for every surface

Furniture, upholstery and accessories

Last but not least, interior design.

As you can see for yourself Radiant Orchid has touched just about every industry and is very widespread with possibly the exception of the auto industry, but don’t quote me on that, you just never know what they are going to do next. 
For myself, I love every shade of lavender and purple and Radiant Orchid is no exception, I am sure I will be found wearing the darker purples during the rest of the winter months and the lighter shades right into spring and summer.  However, I do not think it will become part of my home décor or painting projects unless I am creating something for one of my granddaughters, time will tell and I will share it with you if I do use it in a project.  For those of you who sew, paint or design for a living this is a good heads up as to how color is trending throughout 2014.

Although Radiant Orchid is the color of the year it is not the only color trending for this coming spring; soft pastels paired with vivid brights will create new looks and color combinations that refresh and revive everyday fashions.  I will share those with you in a future post so you can be right on top of the current trends and maybe even ahead of the game.

Thanks for letting me share the color of the year; it was great fun putting it together for you. Come along with me as I share all my creative adventures and inspire you to step out of your comfort zones and try some new things this year.  I wish all of you a very Happy, Productive and Creative New Year!!!
See you soon.


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