Monday, October 10, 2011

Black & White Bling

I have been asked how I chose the name of my blog and business, what was my inspiration? It was obvious from what I do, I use buttons and bows in my sewing, decorating and crafting so it was a natural choice. But where did the bling come from? My answer to that question is an easy one, it came from all the pretty things in my studio.

When I started the re-design for my very first studio I decided on a black and white theme with green and pink accents. I wanted something to reflect the various icons of the fashion industry; like purses, shoes, pictures of couture garments and lots of shiny things. That studio was such a fun and inspiring space to work, everything had a place; it was organized and beautiful to look at. I worked in the updated version of my studio for about two years until we sold it and bought a new home. My studios since then followed along the same themes featuring black and white fabrics, fashion icons and accessories which have a bit of bling.

For my pop of color, this time, I used two tones of an icy blue on the walls and touches of hot pink as minor accessories throughout the room, very feminine and elegant. My newest studio is still a work in progress as I fine tune the furniture and cabinet layouts. Many of the accessories from the last two studios don’t work well in my new space, not enough walls and two extra windows, giving me less space for all my pretty pieces which give it the bling. I am working on new ways to bring it in without making the space seem small and cluttered.

Here is some of the pretty bling I did manage to bring into my studio so far.

This beautiful little piece was a birthday gift from my daughter; it hangs in the center of my studio surrounded by a black ceiling medallion, which I painted and hung.

These trios of candles are decorated with a black velvet flocked print on the glass; the insides of the candles have pretty sparkles embedded in the wax. Very elegant and just the right amount of bling.

These three little dress forms sit on a black floating shelf above my sewing counter, very fun to look at.

Just a few of the couture dress forms and miniature designer shoes I collect. Aren’t they pretty.

I have several of these black and white lamps around my studio both in the floor lamp and desk styles. I added a big black bow around the barrel shade, which my new daughter-in-law made for me. The bow was originally wrapped around a pretty box decorated with couture dresses and shoes. A great way to re-purpose your special ribbons.

This is a photograph of my Mom who is modeling a beautiful 1950’s black velvet dress with white satin ruffles at the neckline. She is also draped in white fur (Fur was not an issue then) and wearing black velvet shoes. Truly an elegant ensemble. She did a lot of modeling in the 50’s and 60’s, but this is my favorite picture of her, it sits above my long sewing counter so I can see her as I sew.

These original sewing patterns belonged to my Grandmother, they were given to me when she passed away along with a big box of fabrics. I mounted them on black and white print papers and placed them in black frames. The original pattern pieces and instructions are still inside the pattern covers and can be accessed at any time for future use. A handy way to preserve the patterns but still be able to see and use them.

Just a few of the pretty little things in my studio which inspire the bling in my work and my blog. I hope you enjoyed this little peak into my creative life. Someday soon when I get my studio just right I will post those pictures for you to see.

On a side note; for those of you tracking the adventures of the computer crash, I am still working on my little notebook computer while trying to learn Windows 7 and getting my new laptop set up. Such a process for someone who was stuck in the dark ages just a few months ago.

Just got the call….my IT people were able to retrieve all my data and photos, I will get a disk with all of it back tomorrow, I saved and shut it down in time, Yeah!!!! Woohoo!!! I am a very happy gal.

Thanks for following along with me today, look for my next post, hopefully on my new laptop, see you soon.

Where I bought it:

Lamps & Picture frames - Target

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