Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fabric Heaven & My Studio Helper

 Once again it’s quilt show season, with a parade of beautiful quilts and fabulous fabrics from around the world, all on display for the avid quilter and seamstress.  Because I am both a quilter and a seamstress, my studio assistant and I will be attending this weekend’s Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, California.  This show hosts over 800 quilts, wearable textiles and 300 vendors featuring all kinds of patterns, fabrics, notions and so much more. I can’t wait to go!

Since I am a totally addicted to beautiful fabrics and patterns I will be like a kid in a candy store surrounded by all my favorite goodies wondering what to buy first.  I will have to set a budget and have my assistant hold me back from buying excesses of the fabrics I fall in love with (let’s hope my assistant has been working out, she will need super human strength to drag me away).

 Everyone in the studio has been excitedly planning out our one day trip (it takes several days to see it all), with the exception of my little studio helper, Honey.  She begged and pleaded to go and was told no, due to the fact she is so small, size was a good excuse and the fact she is a cat. (Shh...) Don’t tell her, she will be in a real mood; she doesn’t know she’s a cat.  It’s already bad enough she is giving me the cold shoulder and exhibiting some bad behavior, where did my sweet little studio helper go?
Frankly someone had to stay behind, do the inspections and manage the studio, besides she drew the short straw.

Honey is pouting because she has to stay in the studio while we go to the quilt show.

 “What do you mean you want me to fill orders while you are gone?” “I don’t think so… I am calling in sick the minute you leave.”  Just another day in the life of my much pampered studio helper, looks like I created a little fur diva, what’s a gal to do?

We are really looking forward to going to the show this weekend then coming back to tell you all about the fantastic goodies we found, hopefully we will have lots of pictures to share with you as well.  I am not sure if we are allowed to take photos but we are going to try.  I am looking forward to sharing all our adventures with you next week, be sure to look for them.

In the meantime I have more projects and bling to share with you.  See you soon.

Pacific International Quilt Festival –Santa Clara, CA
Managed by Mancuso Show Management

Side note:  I am finally working on my new laptop, a bit slow going trying to get use to the programs, Windows 7 and a new key board.  My retrieved data and photos were safely loaded on to the new computer and are ready to go.  I am one lucky woman.

A big THANK YOU!! To Jolene and Steven for all their patience, time and talent, I would be totally lost without you!  Love you both.

Data and photo retrieval by:

Rx-TEK, Hollister, CA

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