Friday, October 14, 2011

My Favorite Things Part 1

Recently I was asked what resources I used to find my inspiration for creative ventures; what do I read, where do I find the things I purchase, who are my favorite fabric and pattern designers, etc..?
Because I have been asked this so often over the years I decided to share just a few of my many, many favorite things with you.  So here we go….

 Some of the magazines I use for sewing and pattern inspiration are; Vogue Patterns, Sew News, Sew Style, Threads, Stitch and Sew Hip, a magazine from the UK.  Vogue Patterns always gives me the current color cues for the coming seasons along with the new styles and lots of technical sewing advice.

 I enjoy looking at interior design and DIY magazines to see current decorating styles and fun projects.  I especially love the elegant rooms in Traditional Home and the warmth of Romantic Homes.  Do It Yourself and Fresh Home both give me a colorful, fun, creative and up to date decorating approach for some of the rooms I recently did. You will be seeing some of those rooms in the near future, watch for them.

Studios by Cloth.Paper.Scissors is my all time favorite studio design magazine, you get to see all kinds of studios with lots of storage and layout ideas which come in every size, shape, style and design. Super fun and very inspiring, I always end up moving things around to make my creative spaces function and look better right after a new issue comes out.  My husband dreads it when I pick up the newest copy, it means he is going to be putting his muscles to work moving my very heavy furniture around, poor guy.  He would hide the magazine if he thought he could get away with it.

Where Women Create is another magazine I enjoy, I read this one because it is based on the stories about creative women and their work spaces. I purchase it because of the featured woman who appears on the cover, if I want to know more about her and her studio I buy it.

This beautiful studio was featured in Where Women Create the Aug/Sept/Oct 2011 issue.  I just couldn’t resist showing it to you; it’s the work space of Jinger Adams, the Creative Director for Provo Crafts.  Pretty in pink and soft blue, love it.

This bright colorful Studio belongs to Heather Bailey, prolific textile and pattern designer; I really love all of her work and have quite a bit of her extensive, incredible line in my studio.  I would purchase it all if I could get away with it.  To read more about her and Jinger and view all the incredible photos of their work spaces, you can order Where Women Create at .

Pictured are some of the goodies I purchased from Heather Bailey.  She has some fantastic bamboo felt, which is super soft to the touch and very high quality, unlike the synthetic felts made from recycled bottles which are thin and of poor color quality.  Her patterns are adorable and so are her fabrics.

I adore all things Amy Butler; she is another fantastic textile artist, seamstress, pattern designer and author.  I have three of her four books, several patterns and some of her fabrics.  I would love to have it all but I would need a warehouse to store it (giggles).  I guess I will just have to limit myself to a few yards of fabric from time to time.

My goodness I could go on and on and I will in part 2 of My Favorite Things.  I have so much to share with you I decided to break it up in parts, at this point I am not sure how many parts there will be, at least two installments right now and more to follow off and on.  I hope you enjoyed viewing a few of my favorite things with me and you are looking forward to reading the next one.  See you soon.

To order:
Studios – Cloth.Paper.Scissors

Where Women Create

Heather Bailey

Amy Butler

The rest you can find wherever you purchase magazines, I like Barnes & Noble.

Happy Shopping!

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