Monday, January 30, 2012

Quilted Valentine Table Runner

A few weeks ago, at our Groovy Girls Sewing Club, we were given this month’s free pattern for a quilted table runner and a mystery quilt.  Our teacher, Sheila, demonstrated the first mystery block and showed us a finished sample for the table runner.  Being that I am not an advanced quilter, I chose the table runner as my project and not the mystery quilt. I have so many projects going on I could not see myself doing the large quilt and actually finishing it any time this year.  However, I did commit to making the smaller pattern projects we receive each month and bringing them to show and tell.  I became very inspired by one of the members who brought a different Valentine table runner, which she shared with the group. Since I did not have any Valentine decorations, I thought it would make the perfect project. My five year old granddaughter is expecting some kind of decoration because I usually decorate for every other holiday, why not Valentine’s Day too?  She is so right and I will not let her down.  Go Grandma!  Time to get sewing.

I chose this combination of light and dark to create a nice contrast; it should stand out against my red tablecloth and white dishes.

Everything is cut and ready to assemble, the cutting went really quickly.

The top of the runner is completed, time to machine quilt and bind it.  I think my granddaughter will be very surprised and happy to see it sitting on my dinning room table when it is completed.  It was a pretty simple project which only took me about an hour and a half to complete.  I don’t quilt all the time so I am bit slower then some of you advanced quilters, but I was happy with this part of the finished project and the amount of time it took me to complete it.

Thanks for letting me share this lovely little project with you.  Look for a few more bright and cheery projects in the next post or two.  See you soon.  Laurette

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