Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Colorful Fabric Zip Bags

At the beginning of the New Year one of the goals I set for myself was to start working on all those unfinished and planned projects from 2011.  I am happy to say I have begun the process, slowly, but I did make a good start towards whittling down those piles of fabric and notions.  I spent a fun day, last Thursday, working in my studio making some really colorful zip cases, from the Atkinson Designs pattern line, Cash and Carry. Those little zippered cases can be used for eyeglasses, sun glasses, pens, makeup or all the little loose odds and ends.  I put my reading glasses in the first one I made, the quilted case keeps them from getting broken, scratched or lost in the dark bottom of my purse.  I completed three of the bright little bags in the morning and made the Valentine Table Runner in the afternoon.  One unfinished project and one new one, things are moving along right on schedule.  Next up will be more of the zippered bags, all gifts for my favorite gals.

This stack of fabric was set aside last year to make the zippered cases, they were buried in a box at the bottom of the pile and they were found during the great fabric reorganization at the beginning of the month.

Pretty fabrics all cut and ready to sew, I just love the colorful prints and solids together.

These are just so cute; I can’t wait to make more of them.  Next on the list are some animal prints, lots of black and white, and several other fun patterns.

Once the zippered cases are done I am not sure which unfinished project will get worked on, there are so many to choose from. Maybe it will be the restyling of an old garment which has been sitting in my studio for months waiting to be upcycled into something special to wear, or maybe it will a new project yet to be decided?  You will just have to keep reading to find out what comes next from my colorful, creative studio.

Thanks for letting me share these fun, colorful, zippered bags with you.  Look for more bright projects in my upcoming posts.  See you soon.  Laurette

If you enjoyed reading this post you may also like reading:

Quilted Valentine Table Runner
Working with Fabric
Butterfly Mobile
Lampshade Tutorial

1 comment:

  1. Hi there...I just love how you put colors together! Thanks again for the fabric remnant, I finished the turned out cute. I posted a picture on Homespun's face book page if you want to see what it turned out like ;-)
