Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blue Box Bling

I have a short bling post to share with you today about these small blue boxes which I used on my desk in one of my old studios. I did not think I would have room to use them in my current studio until I moved things around on my work counter and found room for one of them. The boxes were kind of basic looking, not very impressive and definitely did not have any bling factor.  Because my studio has icy blue walls with a lot of black & white accessories I try to keep everything pretty consistent and not bring in too many other colors.  Here is what I did to make the little box fit in with the other accessories on my counter.

The box started out a shiny basic light blue, not much to look at so I went to my stash of stickers and pulled out some with black scroll work on them, I placed them on the front and sides.  I did not put any on the top because I usually put little things on the top of the box.

It was still missing something so I got out two different kinds of stick-on crystals and applied those creating the finishing touch for the little blue box.
All done and ready to put on my work counter where it will get plenty of use holding my Post-it notes and other small office supplies.

I am going to be away from my computer for a few days so watch for my guest blogger on Tuesday, that is if we can work things out with Google/ Blogger. It seems I have used up my allotment of photos allowed or some such nonsense, which means I may have to close down my blog with Blogger and go to another host.  I will try to post and let you know if I can, unless they just totally shut me down altogether, which would make me totally mad.  Fingers crossed we can work things out; I would really miss writing for all of you.
Hope to see you soon.



  1. I love these. never thought to decorate the one thing that helps keep the little office supplies organized. the bling totally makes it too! again LOVE it!

  2. Thanks Jolene, the bling helped the box fit right into the room decor, super easy too and a great way to use my sticker stash.
