Thursday, August 23, 2012

Guest Blogger

I have some exciting news for you, I am having a guest blogger next week, her name is Jolene from, she writes a great blog and she has agreed to post for me sometime in the beginning of the week while I am away for a few days. It will be fun to have someone else write for me, let’s see how she does, please look for her and let me know what you think.  I will still be posting for a few more days so watch for those as well.

For today’s mini post I wanted to share photos of the Strawberries with cream cheese filing I made for a party.  They were totally yummy and went quick, they were super easy to make as well.  I can not take credit for the idea; I saw them on Pinterest and had to make them right away.  I have a fun bling project to share with you tomorrow so look for that one.
See you soon.


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