Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Girls Blue Jean Shorts To Skirt

As you can tell I am on a clothing recycle kick, so far there has been a sweatshirt re-vamped into a Jacket, sweatpants transformed into a skirt, a pair of girls long pants re-made into a cute skirt and now I will be making over a pair of girls jean shorts into a darling double ruffled skirt.  I really love taking something old, worn out or unused and creating something new and fun to wear.  It usually doesn’t take very long and it is pretty simple to do, it just takes a little out of the box creative thinking.

These are the shorts and the fabric my granddaughter picked out for her double ruffled skirt; she loves anything blue so this was the fabric of choice.  I began cutting up the legs to make the shorts flat so I could go onto the next step of getting the shorts ready to become a skirt.  I am well on my way to finishing the skirt, I just need to embellish it to make it extra sassy.  Watch for the finished skirt and matching top in the next couple of days.
See you soon.


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