Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Windowpane Quilt

Some of the items I use to decorate my home for fall are fabric table runners, a few are just simple fabric runners while others are pieced quilt style fabric table runners. They do not always end up on the table, some are placed on the entry hall table, shelves and on top of the granite island; I switch them up several times each season.  They add lots of color and set the tone for the color pallet and decorations in that room.  In order to get the look I wanted I had to make my own table runners since the stores just do not carry what I like.  The featured table runner for today is my own design titled; Fall Windowpane.

This pretty little quilt was made up of leftover fall fabrics from two very large Thanksgiving table runners.  I ended up with a bunch of large triangles I had no idea what to do with; I was going to make pot holders for my kitchen.  I sewed two triangles long flat sides together to create a square, once they were sewn together and laid out on my cutting table I saw a table runner.  All I needed was something to create the windowpane effect with; there was nothing in my stash large enough or in the right colors so off to the fabric store I went. I ended up with a completely different fabric then I originally went in for, a green with gold highlights to pull out the green in the leaves, kind of hard to see in the photos but it is there.  I was very pleased with how the table runner came out, this year it sits on the entry hall table, very pretty to look at when you come in the front door.

Thanks for letting me share my Fall Windowpane table runner with you.  I still have more fun fall projects to share as I finish them, in the meantime I will be showing more of those quick and easy projects.

Side Note:  It is the 1 Year Anniversary of the Buttons, Bows & Bling Blog. WOOHOO!!!!!!  It has been a year of total learning and great fun, I have really enjoyed sharing all my creative ventures from my studio with each and everyone of you.  Thank you so much for sticking it out with me, I am grateful for each and everyone of my faithful readers. I am not sure where my blog will go from here or what I will be sharing but I truly hope you will keep reading to see what I am up to next.
See you soon.


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