Sunday, September 23, 2012

Falling In Love With Fall

Happy fall, it has finally arrived, of course in some parts of California we don’t really get the kind of fall the rest of the country gets but we do have our own version of it.  I really love this time of year when the light and the leaves begin to change and the evenings and mornings become cooler and just a bit crisp.

The colors of autumn truly inspire me to get very creative in a number of areas which include baking, decorating and sewing.  Recently I made my first trip to Michael's and Joann’s to stock up on fall decorating and fabric supplies.  Thanks to Pinterest I have a ton of fun fall inspired project ideas, of course everything will have my own spin on it but the pin boards really got me thinking and very excited to make some new things to decorate the inside of my home and pump up my outdoor curb appeal.

After my shopping trip I got the bug to set my dinning room table for fall as I do each season.  Out came the rusty orange colored tablecloth, the place mats, chargers, napkins and napkin rings. I also pulled out several of my autumn quilted table runners to place in the center of the table and around the house.

I saw a version of this great idea on Pinterest and decided to make some with the glassware, veggies and candles I already had in my entertaining inventory closet.  I took out the largest wine glasses I had, put the veggies inside, turned it upside down and put a short pillar candle on top, super fun and easy.  I will do a version for Christmas, something a bit more elaborate with lots of bling for the holidays.

I spent today in fall mode by making new autumn flower arrangements for my Mom’s grave site, then putting them in place, everything is all cleaned up and looking pretty again, I feel so much better.  When I got home I was in the mood to bake, I made some delicious caramel cinnamon apple bread, super yummy!  Instead of just making bread I whipped up an Italian turkey loaf for our dinner, which is baking in the oven as I write this, the house smells fantastic; I can’t wait for dinner.

Thanks for letting me share my love affair with fall; I hope it inspires you to do some fall decorating of your own.  Lots of autumn projects to come as long as I can stay healthy, I have been down with a killer upper respiratory infection for the last two weeks which really slowed down the creative and blogging time, fingers crossed.
See you soon.


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